I'm a research engineer since October 2022 at the INRIA in the team
I work at developing the
language Skel and the
tool necro.
You may find here my resume in
PhD dissertation
My PhD dissertation in French
Note : The publications are under the name Louis Noizet,
for this is the surname I wore before I changed it on the civil registry.
Adam Khayam, Louis Noizet and Alan Schmitt, A Faithful description
of ECMAScript algorithms, PPDP 2022 - International Symposium
on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, Sep.
2022. (link).
Louis Noizet and Alan Schmitt, Semantics in Skel and Necro,
ICTCS 2022 - Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science Sep.
2022. (link).
Adam Khayam, Louis Noizet and Alan Schmitt, JSkel: Towards a
Formalization of Javascript's Semantics, JFLA 2021 - Journées
Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Apr. 2021. pp.95-116 (link).
Louis Noizet and Alan Schmitt, Formalisation de Sémantiques
Squelettiques, JFLA 2020 - Journées Francophones des Langages
Applicatifs, Jan. 2020, Gruissan, France. pp.1-14 (link).
Olivier Devillers and Louis Noizet, Walking in a Planar
Poisson-Delaunay Triangulation: Shortcuts in the Voronoi Path,
International Journal of Computational Geometry and
Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 2018, 28 (3),
pp.255-269 (link).
My email address: (λ xyzt · t.x@z.y) noizet fr inria
victoire (hint)
My OpenPGP key